Chapter Region 

Appalachian Audubon Society serves an approximately circular area from Carlisle in Cumberland County, east across the Susquehanna River to eastern Dauphin County, north to Millersburg, and south to just north of York.

Use Audubon Near You | Audubon to find your local chapter of Audubon.

Map for Appalachian Audubon region

Appalachian Audubon's chapter territory, per National Audubon Society, officially includes residents of the following zip codes:

17001, 17007, 17011, 17013, 17015, 17018, 17019, 17020, 17022, 17023, 17025, 17027, 17032, 17034, 17036, 17043, 17050, 17053, 17055, 17057, 17061, 17065, 17068, 17069, 17070, 17072, 17074, 17081, 17090, 17093, 17101, 17102, 17103, 17104, 17105, 17106, 17107, 17108, 17109, 17110, 17111, 17112, 17113, 17120, 17121, 17122, 17123, 17124, 17125, 17126, 17127, 17128, 17319, 17323, 17339, 17358, 17502, 17550, 17570